Mayor's Message - January 2020

My Fellow Residents of Dumont,

As Mayor, my goal is to ensure our residents and business community are well-informed of the work we are doing on their behalf.  I encourage everyone to engage us in conversation, whether it be through email, calling Borough Hall, Facebook, or even sending us a letter.  Your input is vital in our town's success and vision for Dumont's future. 

Our town is a close-knit community filled with generous and loving people who genuinely care for one another - one big family.  Thank you to our residents, volunteers, local places of worship, our charitable organizations, and community leaders for your extensive efforts in helping those in need.  Our community's civic involvement and the ability for us to work together is what truly makes our town great.

Thank you to our Recreation Department, our sports organizations, coaches, and Scout Masters for teaching our youth about the importance of teamwork and preparing them to become our future leaders.  Thank you to our Senior Center and its Director for providing our senior community with a robust activity program and the necessary transportation for daily activities.

Public Safety and Quality of Life issues are always a top priority.  Thank you to our devoted Police Department, Fire Department, Ambulance Corps, and Department of Public Works for ensuring our community is safe and well maintained.  To our administrative employees at Borough Hall, your hard work to ensure our daily operations run smoothly is much appreciated. 

Our calendar will provide you with important dates in our town, as well as information about our commissions, committees, and programs.  We have also listed essential phone numbers throughout the Borough.  Please remember, if you have an emergency: DIAL 911!

I hope you had a joyful Holiday Season and I wish you Happy and Healthy New Year!  Peace, love, and prosperity.

Andrew LaBruno
Mayor of Dumont

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