The Dumont Police Department, Dumont Volunteer Ambulance Corps, and Dumont Volunteer Fire Department continues to be ready, willing and able to assist all individuals who may call upon us for assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For emergency calls please call 9-1-1 for all non-emergency calls please call 201-387-5000. In an attempt to minimize personal contact between Officer and the general public and thus minimize the potential spread of COVID-19 the following modified operating procedures have been implemented.


Individuals who come to Police headquarters: 

  • Individuals will initially communicate with a Dumont Police Department employee via a phone which is mounted on the outside of our headquarters. 
  • Based on your needs an Officer/Dispatcher will either come outside to speak with you or they will allow you into our facility. 


Individuals who need an Officer at their physical location: 

  • An assessment will be made related to whether your call for assistance requires an Officer on scene or if this communication can be done via a phone call. 
  • If an Emergency Responder is needed at your location pre-arrival questions will be asked to confirm that your location is safe for us to respond to. 
  • If a location is deemed to be unsafe the responding Officer will either take precautionary measures or the officer may conduct their investigation from outside your residence/business. 
  • In order to protect you and all of our Emergency Services Personnel we ask that you inform the Dumont Police Department call taker if you or anyone in your household/business is experiencing any flu-like symptoms.  


You will be screened for flu-like symptoms.  If you are experiencing fever, cough or mild respiratory illness and you have NO shortness of breath or breathing difficulty, it is recommended you stay home. The Volunteer Ambulance Corps will be dispatched for difficulty breathing.

  • If you are symptomatic and concerned, it is important to call ahead to your primary care provider, emergency department, or urgent care center first, in advance of your arrival, so that staff can guide you and respond appropriately.
  • Do not go to any health care provider without calling first. Calling first helps to prevent the possible spread of illness by limiting exposure to others.


To stay healthy and limit the possibility of transmission of COVID-19 please remember to:

  • Wash your hands
  • Avoid touching your face, and practicing social distancing. 
  • This can help ease the burden on our first responders and try to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed with patients.
  • Call 9-1-1 for medical emergencies. 

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding related to these modified operating procedures.  Please remember we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we will continue to provide the same excellent services to each and every one of you as we work through this crisis together. 

It is our endeavor to ensure the safety, health, and social well-being of our community; and this includes keeping you informed with credibly sourced information and options. Only get your information from official sources (i.e., CDC, State, County, and Local Governments); consider information from email threads and Facebook as ‘hearsay’ until you can verify from official sources.

The New Jersey Department of Health also has information about COVID-19 that is specific to our communities and state. A COVID-19 call center is open 24/7 and can be reached at 1-800-222-1222 or 1-800-962-1253 (if in NJ but using a non-NJ cell phone). Additional information can be found at:

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