Senior Citizen Services

Director: Donna Faulborn
Address: Dumont Senior Center, 39 Dumont Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628
Phone: 201-387-5040
Fax: 201-387-1075

Senior Center Hours & Daily Schedule

The Senior Center generally opens Monday through Friday at 8:00am. We close some evenings at 5:00pm, and stay open for evening activities longer on the other days. If the Center is being used, we remain open.

All week long, you can borrow a book or video from our library, work on a puzzle, read a book or magazine, sit in on any number of conversations, and play cards, dice, or board games.

During very hot spells, the Center remains open late and on the weekends. During blackouts where heat or air conditioning is necessary, the Center will be open. If a blackout or extreme weather conditions occur after our normal bus transportation hours, you can call the Dumont Police Department at 201-387-5000 for transportation and they will bring you to the Center.

Center Daily Schedule

  • Monday: 11am Bingo. Bring your lunch! Coffee served at 12 noon.
  • Tuesday: 11am YMCA exercise class
  • Thursday: 12:30pm square dancing; 2:00pm Mah Jongg
  • Friday: 11:45am YMCA exercise class

Bus Services

Bus Driver: George Agi
Transportation provided to and from doctor, dentist, etc. - also pharmacy, post office, nursing home to see a spouse.

  • Monday: Medical appointment for the Dumont area only - 7am-12noon. Return trip never between 10am-11am. Return trip can be between 11am and 1:30pm
  • Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: Transportation for appointments from 7am-12noon. The requirements for an afternoon appointment are: must be returned and in Dumont no later than 1:15pm.
  • Friday: No doctor appointments or other services other than food shopping! Driver provides transportation to Stop & Shop via the bus, and Vinny Garofulo provides transportation via the town car.

We do try to provide transportation to the Center during the week for our activities. However, we try not to interfere with doctor appointments.

Where in Dumont is it?

39 Dumont Avenue, Dumont, NJ

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