Raffle Licenses

APPLICATION FOR RAFFLE LICENSE – The Governing Body of Dumont must approve your Application for Raffle at an open public meeting prior to the raffle being issued. You cannot begin any portion of the bingo or raffle prior to physically receiving your license from the municipal clerk. Legalized Games of Chance investigates Bingos and Raffles regularly and does issue stiff penalties to violators. Please be sure to give yourself plenty of time to get your license prior to you bingo or raffle.

Bring your completed application, along with three copies, originally signed and notarized, to the Borough Clerk's office seven days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. You need two checks with the application: one made payable to "Legalized Games of Chance", and the other made payable to the "Borough of Dumont". The amount of each check is determined by the type and value of the raffle.

You must also bring the current Registration Certificate issued to you by Legalized Games of Chance.

Raffle/Bingo Report Form is due on the 15th day of the month following your event. This is a report of the money that was raised at your event. When Legalized Games of Chance receives this report, your organization may be required to send additional fees based on the money you raised at your event.


Bingo Application Form [NOT YET PROVIDED TO SITE]

Report of Operations Form [NOT YET PROVIDED TO SITE]