Borough Parks and Playgrounds Update

Notices & Announcements


The State of New Jersey recently issued Executive Order # 157, which permits public playgrounds to reopen on July 2, 2020. After careful consideration of current state regulations and per the guidance of our risk manager, The Borough of Dumont has decided to open our playgrounds and borough fields for the use of our residents and families. We make this decision with the abundance of caution and ask all residents to use good judgment and adhere to all current CDC guidelines. The Borough of Dumont has instituted a regular cleaning schedule for playground equipment, and it is strongly recommended all residents properly clean any park equipment before and after use. Weather permitting, Dumont DPW will disinfect all playgrounds Sunday through Friday from 7 am – 9 am. There will be no scheduled cleaning on Saturdays. While borough parks and fields are now open, all public restrooms will remain closed until further notice. New Jersey is thankfully one of the few states with decreasing numbers during the COVID-19 public health crisis but we must remain vigilant and please remember the following:
